Tummy Tuck After C-Section

Mar 19, 2025

Greer Plastic Surgery Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck Before and after 

  • C-section 
  • Does insurance cover
  • Does a tummy tuck work
  • Can it be done at the same time
  • Which is more painful- TT or c-section?
  • How much does it cost?
  • Obese/plus-size
  • Does insurance cover?
  • Can i get a tummy tuck if I weigh x amount?
  • Can i get a tummy tuck if I’m obese?
  • Can a tummy tuck remove 30 lbs?
  • How big is too big for a tummy tuck?
  • Weight loss
  • How much weight will you lose with a tummy tuck?
  • Can I lose 20lbs after a tummy tuck?
  • Is it better to lose weight before or after a tummy tuck?
  • Can your stomach get fat again after a tummy tuck?
  • How many sizes will you lose after a tummy tuck?
  • Scar
  • What does a tummy tuck scar look like years afterward
  • What does a good tummy tuck look like
  • Do tummy tuck scars ever go away
  • What do dog ears look like on a tummy tuck scar
  • Male
  • Is tummy tuck worth it for men
  • Cost of tummy tuck for men
  • How painful is tummy tuck for men
  • What is recovery like

 Suggested URL: https://www.greerplastics.org/blog/tummy-tuck-after-c-section/
Title Tag:
Tummy Tuck After C-Section | Before and After Surgery
Meta Description: Find out how a tummy tuck after a C-section can help restore your pre-pregnancy shape by tightening muscles and removing excess skin for a smoother look.

Tummy Tuck After a C-Section 

Tummy Tuck before and after photos are one of the most common things people look at online when considering abdominoplasty, a.k.a. tummy tuck, surgery. But if you’ve had a C-section, looking at before and after photos might not give you all the information you need to decide. Today we’ll hit all the most common questions, including: 

  • What happens to the c-section scar after a tummy tuck? 
  • Does a tummy tuck work after a c-section? 
  • Can a tummy tuck be done at the same time as a c-section? 
  • Which is more painful: tummy tuck or c-section? 
  • Does insurance cover a tummy tuck after a c-section? 
  • How much does a tummy tuck cost after a c-section? 

What happens to the c-section scar after a tummy tuck? 

The goal of a tummy tuck is to flatten the abdomen. This is commonly done after pregnancy and weight loss, and there are a couple different things that happen. First, the excess skin is removed. This is done through an incision that goes from hip-to-hip low on the abdomen. There is also a scar around the belly button, so the loose skin above the belly button can be pulled tight.

The second part of a tummy tuck is to tighten the rectus abdominus muscles. These are the muscles that form a 6-pack, and they are connected in the center by connective tissue called fascia.  The fascia is what stretches out with pregnancy and weight loss, and it does not always bounce back.  Suturing this fashion tightly is what repairs the widening, also known as a diastasis.  This will help keep the abdomen flatter and put the core abdominal muscles back into anatomic alignment.  This can help with lower back pain and even pelvic floor issues like urinary incontinence. 

The scar for a tummy tuck is lower than a c-section scar. It is down at the top of the “mons” (that mound of skin and fat over the pubic bone) just within the hair-bearing skin. The low placement ensures the scar won’t be visible in underwear or bikini bottoms. Because it’s lower than a c-section scar, the scar will be removed along with the excess skin. So even if you’ve had multiple prior c-sections, you’ll only have one fresh, new scar after an abdominoplasty.

Does a tummy tuck work after a c-section? 

Patients who have had a prior C-section often wonder if this will complicate having tummy tuck surgery. Fortunately, the scar tissue from a C-section doesn’t affect the results at all. So, if you look at tummy tuck before and after photos, you won’t be able to tell who had a c-section, unless you can see the c-section scar in the before photos. There is a little bit of scar tissue to work around between the skin and the abdominal muscles, but it’s straightforward to dissect through.

Can a tummy tuck be done at the same time as a c-section? 

Patients love the idea of having a single operation to both give birth and end up with a flatter tummy. But it’s generally not a great idea to combine the two operations. First, most women gain some weight during pregnancy. You’ll have the best result from a tummy tuck if you lose the baby weight before having surgery. Second, pregnancy increases the risk of a blood clot in your legs (DVT). These clots can break off and travel to the lungs, a potentially fatal condition known as a pulmonary embolus.  With abdominoplasty surgery, tightening the abdominal muscles decreases venous drainage from the lower legs, which also increases the risk of blood clots.  So doing a tummy tuck immediately after C-section puts you at a much higher risk for blood clots.  

What if you have a c-section after a tummy tuck? 

Getting pregnant after an abdominoplasty can undo the results of the abdominoplasty.  It can stretch the abdominal muscles and skin, recreating some bulging and laxity.  In addition, the C-section scar may be above the abdominoplasty scar.  For these reasons we recommend waiting to have an abdominoplasty until after you are done having children. 

Does insurance cover tummy tuck after a C-section? 

Tummy tucks often fall into a gray area when it comes to insurance coverage. The key distinction lies in whether the procedure is deemed cosmetic or medically necessary. 

Cosmetic Tummy Tucks:
Generally, if you’re seeking a tummy tuck primarily for aesthetic reasons – to achieve a flatter stomach or improve your appearance after weight loss or pregnancy – it’s considered a cosmetic procedure. In most cases, insurance companies do not cover purely cosmetic surgeries. 

Medically Necessary Tucks:

In some instances, a tummy tuck might be considered medically necessary. This could be the case if you’re experiencing: 

  • Chronic back pain due to excess abdominal skin 
  • Recurring skin infections beneath the abdominal fold 
  • Severe rashes or hygiene issues related to excess skin

It’s important to note that even when insurance considers a tummy tuck to be medically necessary, they only cover a panniculectomy.  And there are two key differences between abdominoplasty and panniculectomy: 

Umbilical transposition: 

During a tummy tuck, the surgeon carefully relocates your belly button to a new position on your tightened abdominal skin. This process, known as umbilical transposition, is a hallmark of the tummy tuck procedure. On the other hand, a panniculectomy takes a more straightforward approach. This procedure focuses primarily on removing excess skin and fat from the lower abdomen – think of it as trimming away a bothersome apron of skin. Unlike a tummy tuck, a panniculectomy typically does not involve relocating the belly button. Your navel stays right where it is, undisturbed by the surgery. 

Muscle repair: 

During a tummy tuck the abdominal muscles are repaired so that the widened space between them is tightened back up. This is not done for panniculectomy. 

How much does a tummy tuck cost after c-section? 

Tummy tuck cost varies both by geographic area and by whether additional procedures such as liposuction are added on. For a basic abdominoplasty with no other procedures, the cost ranges from around $7000-8000 for the surgeon’s fee. Once you add in the facility cost for the operating room and the anesthesia you can expect to pay anywhere from $10,000-$13,000. 

In conclusion: 

Tummy tucks may be done after surgery to reverse the effects of pregnancy, such as loose skin and stretched abdominal muscles.  This surgery removes prior scars from C-sections and creates abdomen.  This is why when looking at before and after pictures for tummy tuck after C-section, you will not see the prior C-section scar.   If you are thinking about having an abdominoplasty after a C-section, schedule a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss your goals.