Sculptra® Fillers
in Mentor, Ohio
Reverse Signs of Aging with the “Liquid Facelift”
While wrinkles and sagging skin are a natural part of the aging process, you shouldn’t have to accept them as they are. At Greer Plastic Surgery, we carry Sculptra® fillers, which restore fullness over time to keep you looking younger for longer.
Sculptra® Filler Injections Near You
We know that the effects of aging can cause you to look older than you feel. Our team of experts use their years of experience to address all your concerns and adapt your treatment to your unique features. We’re here to help you get the most out of Sculptra® fillers to keep your skin timelessly beautiful at any age.

What Is Sculptra®?
A non-surgical injectable, Sculptra® provides subtle, yet stunning results by helping your body rebuild lost collagen. Collagen is the body’s most plentiful type of protein and helps promote structure and support in our skin, but our body produces less of it as we age. Unlike most hyaluronic acid-based fillers, Sculptra® uses poly-L-lactic acid to stimulate collagen production deep within the skin, plumping and revitalizing its inner structure for a tighter and fuller appearance with minimal wrinkles.
Areas Sculptra® Can Treat
Revitalize your face and leave wrinkles, folds, and sagging skin behind with Sculptra®!
What Can I Expect with Sculptra® Filler?

How to Prep for Sculptra® Filler
To decrease the risk of bruising, avoid blood thinning medications like aspirin and ibuprofen, as well as NSAIDS, gingko biloba, garlic supplements, alcohol, niacin, cigarettes, green tea, flax oil, cod liver oil, vitamins A and E, and essential fatty acids for up to one week prior to your appointment. We’ll provide a full list of personalized recommendations prior to your appointment during your consultation.

Day of Your Treatment
On the day of your appointment, we’ll clean the area before applying a numbing cream to minimize any discomfort. We use cold spray after each injection, which we’ll map out before we start. We’ll also give you a cold pack to minimize any swelling.

Recovery & Results of Filler Treatment
Who Is a Candidate for Sculptra®?
If you’re looking to boost your skin’s natural regenerative processes to treat wrinkles, volume loss, and folds, Sculptra® is likely a great option for you! If you’re looking for more immediate results, our doctors can discuss other options that still involve using Sculptra® in your maintenance routine. We can also provide alternative options for you if you’re allergic to any of the ingredients, have a history of keloid formation, hypertrophic scarring, are pregnant, lactating, breastfeeding, or under the age of 18.

Who Should I Trust with My Sculptra® Fillers?
At Greer Plastic Surgery, we’re trusted, Board Certified plastic surgeons who empathize with patients’ desires to be comfortable and confident in their skin. We know how to make the most out of Sculptra® while keeping your features true to you. We have years of experience with Sculptra® and other injectables and can find the correct amount for your needs.

How Much Do Restylane® Filler Injections Cost in Mentor?
The cost of Sculptra® varies, as each patient has unique needs and facial features. Our team will provide a detailed, personalized cost estimate of your customized Sculptra® treatment during your consultation.
Refreshed, Rejuvenated Results
with Sculptra®
Looking to turn back the clock on your skin? Rediscover your naturally beautiful self with Sculptra®! Our patients have loved what several sessions of Sculptra® have done for them, and we know you will too. Take a look at our before and after gallery for real results, from real people.